We all want something more out of life; call it goals, ambitions, fulfilling our dreams, inner peace or just being happy. For a variety of reasons, we get stuck and some things are out of our control.

Life coaching introduces an outside influence & perspective that you can use to make a change.  We can’t see ourselves without a tool that is outside of us, a mirror. The sharpest person still has blind spots, and no one person knows all the tools that are out there. And sadly, we often fail to use the tools we already have.


Friends & family might not be the best mirror or advisor.  Maybe they don’t say what they should because they don’t want to hurt your feelings or maybe they have their own idea about the kind of person you should or shouldn’t be.  Maybe they have their own responsibilities and can’t fully commit to your situation. Maybe they haven’t dedicated their lives to studying human behavior and catalysts to change and can only offer anecdotes and the same folk wisdom that have enabled you to kick the can down the road for another year.

This professional relationship presents the formal structure of expectations, accountability and specialization (academic, professional & existential conviction) not available in a casual relationship.  In other words, talking to a coach means a new method to get a new outcome.  


We can talk on the phone, video conference or if you are local to NoVA then come to my home office or I can meet you somewhere.

I listen and ask questions that lead to you enjoying your own discovery and taking concrete action steps. I’ve found that “truth discovered” tends to have a greater impact than “truth revealed” but that is up to you. I feel like advice is like a spoiler, I can lead you to an awareness that might be obvious to an outside observer but it could be more meaningful for you to experience your own insights. That said, some people just enjoy the journey and feel better knowing where we are going.

Since every client is unique, each session will be unique.   The stages of a session, the tools, pace and level of questions I use will all be based on the client.  To get an idea of some of my services and techniques, click the link below.