What is the difference between life/wellness coaching and therapy?

  • Psychotherapists (Psychiatrists and Psychologists) deal with mental disorders (the regions, systems & chemistry of the brain) and mental illness (the thinking/feeling functions of the brain).

  • Life Coaches deal with helping you with setting the right goals and reaching them.

  • Wellness Coaches are like Life Coaches but draw on ideology often rooted in spiritual values or existential beliefs. Wellness professionals are considered unconventional but provide an alternative for those with criticisms (political, ethical, epistemological and economic) concerning the American Psychological Association, the DSM and profit based higher education.

Can someone diagnosed with a mental illness receive coaching?*

YES. Not everyone has a mental disorder but everyone on this planet has multiple factors of their mental health fluctuating between wellness and illness depending on their genetics, social history, self care and maintenance.  It is exactly the same as our physical health.  One person may be in the 50th percentile in all areas of their mental/emotional functions. Another person may be high functioning in one area and low functioning in another, the physical equivalent might be an olympic athlete with a severe allergy.  So a person may be less than 100% mentally/emotionally healthy in one regard AND not have a disorder.  If it was required for a client to have perfect mental health then no one would be able to receive life coaching.  If you have a therapist AND want a Life Coach then tell your therapist what you are thinking, a Life Coach can help with the practical application of a behavior plan that a therapist has designed.

*If you want to receive coaching and you have been professionally diagnosed with a mental disorder (as opposed to a mental illness) then I will need a script from a licensed/certified therapist specifically prescribing life coaching as a part of your treatment plan.

How do I know if I need a therapist over a Life Coach?

Seeking a therapist is the right response to a diagnosis with a prescribed treatment but not all of us are in that boat.  Everyone has FELT depressed, anxious or traumatized but not everyone HAS depression, anxiety or trauma.  Many people are in therapy, have completed therapy or are managing their emotions in a way that works well for them and may just want some help achieving their goals.  There is a large grey area between coping with symptoms and having no symptoms at all.  If seeing a therapist is a question that is on your mind then I would advise you to make an appointment with a therapist for an evaluation.  

If you area still uncertain then knowing that the severity or multitude of symptoms is usually what determines the need for a diagnosis and the help of a therapist.  To put it simply, if your symptoms are profound and/or consistent you should seek a Psychotherapist or therapist.  If your symptoms are circumstantial and/or momentary then your decision of who you seek is more about with whom you are most  comfortable.  To put it even more simply: are you success or survival oriented?

How  does a Life Coach compare to other professionals? *

  • A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can diagnose a mental disorder and prescribe medication.  A Psychiatrist is generally thought of having expertise in the physical regions, systems and chemistry of the brain.

  • A Psychologist has a Doctoral Degree in Psychology, often associated with clinical research,  that can also diagnose a mental disorder but prescribes treatments but not medication.  A Psychologist is generally thought of as having expertise in the cognitive functions (thinking and feeling) of the brain.

  • A Therapist is a licensed/certified clinician with a Masters Degree in Psychology and might have specialization in a certain field or a type of psycho-social rehabilitation.  A Therapist is generally thought of as having expertise in individual and social behavior relating to conditions such as depression or addiction.

  • A Counselor usually holds a Bachelors Degree and State Certifications and usually offers a variety of therapies or their own brand of “talk therapy”. A Counselor is generally thought of as having expertise in a specific field like marriage, parenting, careers, etc.

  • A Life Coach is not as regulated as professionals in the field of Psychotherapy so it is important to look at their credentials. A reputable Life Coach generally holds a Bachelors Degree and a Certification and can help you with relationships, find happiness, reach your goals or be more successful.

  • A Wellness Professional could be an inter-dimensional weirdo with crystal-frogs and cosmic mushrooms. Or they could be a master of consciousness and empathy with timeless wisdom that pre-dates the Roman Empire.

     *This is meant to be the MOST general explanation. Depending on when and where a professional received their education the way their profession is articulated will vary. There is also overlap in the roles, a Psychiatric Nurse might also offer counseling and a Psychoanalyst might also work in Active Therapy.